Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Quiet Little Christmas

  Hi Ya'll

   The tree is up and decorated, the mantle has it's twinkle on too.  My shopping is complete and the gifts are wrapped..  

    I'll be baking 11 different kinds of cookies on thursday for the neighborhood cookie swap this weekend.   Then it'll be time to just sit back and enjoy the rest of the holidays.

  Which of course makes it a Quiet Little Christmas around here and thats just the way we like it.

  Well almost:)  I still have to hang the stockings filled with goodies and sew the Pom girls new floor pillows.

   As I said in my last post I got the car art for my tree from Craftberry Bush Blog. She was kind enough to offer it and the minute I saw it I knew it was for me.  My very first car was a red beetle bug:)

   I'm still thinking about doing the breakfast area and if I don't run out of energy I'll be back to show it in a few days..

  As always I thank you for visiting me. I do appreciate it
   Wishing you all a Peaceful holiday filled with Joy and Love..
"Twinkle On"
 Partying at
Cozy Little House
Worthwhile Wednesday

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Tree Sneak Peek-Many Thanks to Lucy at Craftberry Bush

  I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving,  We sure did..
 We were all wearing big smiles and puffy tummies by the end of out party..I'd call that a great day for which I am very grateful.


  A couple of weeks ago, Lucy at  Craftberry Bush offered one of her newest artistic paintings for free as a download.   I knew the minute I saw it what this years theme would be here on Dream Lane.
  Many many years ago when I had just turned 16 , Santa brought me a cherry red volkswagon bug.
  That little car ran like a charm and got me to school, work , the skating rink and any where else I wanted to go..    Those memories are precious to me , so when I saw that little car Lucy ha painted, I cried and laughed and downloaded it immediatly..

   I can't thank you enough Lucy.   You are a big reason why my Christmas and Birthday will be brighter this year..   Thank you soooooooooooo very much..

  This is a little sneak peek and we are tickled with how the tree is comng along .. We hope you'll like it too and that it brings you a smile.

   Happy Holidays from Me and the Girls

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving on Dream Lane

   I wanted to pop in and wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and tell you a little about our 38 year tradition..
Macy's Day Parade
Dog Show
Miracle on 34th street
Its a Wonderful Life
the 4 above have been our tradition for all these years..

    By wednesday night the tree is up and lit..Might not be decorated:) but the lights will be twinkling.
  I'm uusally the first one up so the fireplace logs are on and the flames flickering.
  Now here's where our tradition might be different from most of ya'lls.
 Besides Family, we invite different people each year..

 We've invited 4 guests to join us.  Two friends from work and Two neighbors who live alone and dont have family in town..  They were so happy to be invited and I was even happier that they accepted..   There's not a doubt in my mind that there will be some wonderful new memories made.

    The lasagna I made comes out of the freezer as does the ham.  I bake both a week in advance so several hours in a low temp oven heats them thoroughly and actually adds to the flavor.
 All the sides are made the day before and chilled in the fridge.
 Tater salad, pea salad,deviled eggs, candied yams with marchmellow n pecan topping and a bowl of fresh salad greens upon which will be drizzled , herbed oil n vinegar, thousand island or ranch dressing.  we allow personal choice , I'm generous like that..

  We keep it simple around here, because it really is a day of Thanks Giving and Giving Thanks.

    Cinnamon buns and coffee or hot chocolate is served at 9am , when we all grab a plate and a mug, find a cozy seat , a soft throw and snuggle down to watch the Macy's day parade.  Occasional trips back to the kitchen for another bun or to fill your mug..
    No huge table is set-  no la ti da tablecloth-no crsytal glassware or shined up silver in fancy napkin folds-no china teacups.. Just  clean glasses and coffee mugs-clean silverware which may or may not match, but will do a heck of a job shoveling the food in- dishes are Chinet, small and divider plates, doncha know, I did hold my pinkie out while I typed that.. giggle.

    During the watching of the parade, conversation is allowed and encouraged.  We'll talk about favorite Thanksgiving,,  favorite childhood gift received at Christmas...favorite pie and who baked it and any other memory or story anyone would like to share as well as hopes and dreams for the coming year.  

 Lunch will be laid out at 1 and we'll eat and watch the Dog Show ::yes, I chose all dog lovers as guests:: I'm smart like that..:-)

          They got a card with the itinerary , so they know what to expect in advance.They are bringing the desserts and that suits me fine.  I'm a good cook but no so good at baking.
   My pom girls will also have 2 guests, I mini schnauzer and 1 cocker spaniel. They've all met before so I know they'll get along fine.  As an added bonus all 5 dogs will make great crumb catchers, thus making clean up all the more easy for Moi'  ..  We'll wrap it up about 3:30 and I'll likely take a little nap.  
  Back up that evening to do the last of my Christmas/ online shopping and Viola, a perfect day for which I am already Giving Thanks and smiling.
   The girls are Dreaming and we all want to wish you the very best Thanksgiving Day ever.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Then and Now~~for Now Anyway

  Good Morning,

  It's taken me a lot longer in the kitchen than I thought it would and its not done yet but I have made progress..
  The post that tells every detail of what has happened in there will be L O N G.. I'll be sure to warn you about that in advance:-)

  Trust me, when this is finally done the title of the post will be DONE La Kitchen ..  or something like that  in ultra dramatic in capped letters.    

  In the mean time I did want to show ya'll that I had been doing something beside sitting here looking at it with my head in my hands... of course there's been a whole lotta that too.

    I'll have lots of ::funny in retrospect:::  stories to tell ya'll in the final reveal post.
just  a little hint though,,, if it went right- I'm a Genius and if it went wrong, its all Brenda's::over at Cozy Little House:: fault..  just sayin'

  Please know that what you see if likely to get changed in the very near future-- possibly several times ..nothing new about that according to my Daughter:-)

 so for now

THEN  ~  did I ever mention how very much I DISLIKE niches, if not , I'm saying it now..

 For Now- subject to change as soon as I click Post...
sorry for the slightly fuzzy photo. If I waited till my hands were'nt shaking I'd never show it.
I'm thinking a tripod is my next purchase..

;;;;still dislike niches but it gives me great comfort to know I am only a piece of sheet rock ,some tape and sheet rock dope away from closing that sucker up~!  well see...

YES I like greenery--A LOT plants around me make me smile and a few faux ones thrown into the mix suits me fine too..  
  Needless to say they love to see me pull up at the Garden shop..  You can actually hear the sound, chac-ing cha-ching going off before I even get out of the car.  

 So there we have it folks..  Thanks so much for your interest and your patience.   I am not to speediest decorist but I do get it done eventually.. At this pace I figure I can show you the whole completed kitchen by december ~!! omg  lol.

 seriously,  Thank You for visiting me and following along as I decor this new home and make it feel like ME.

Ya'll come back to see me, ya hear..

ps--seeing stuff I want to and will change RIGHT NOW

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Choosing My Cool Weather Fabrics

  Howdy Folks.

 We had another cool and rainy day here in NC. I'm not complaining cause I've wished for cooler temps and here they are. Makes it feel much more like fall when it isn't 90 outside.

  It took me awhile but I believe I've finally found the fabrics for the Great room.
 This open concept home allows many areas to be seen at the same time and with that in mind fabrics need to flow gently from one to the other so my eyes don't go wonky as I look around.

  Below are some of the fabrics I choose and their intended use, though that's always subject to change, kinda like my mind:-)

  I have a few surprise fabrics that you'll see when I show off this space.
 As many of you know I have 3 little Pom Girls and I decided its time for them to have their own decorated areas.  I laid out fabrics on the floor and let them walk around and sniff them.  2 finally made a choice and took a nap on their choice and Miss 3 get's the other cause that's what she gets for being so indecisive .

   I think I bought enough to have some leftovers from each fabric and I'll make each of us a lap quilt.

 I hear ya'll whispering- Hush Sonny and show us the dang fabric... ok ok

                                                                     Drapery choice

ottoman covers and table runners

dining chair seat

another pillow choice

There's a grey on white polka pot that I did'nt get a photo of and also a pale grey on white chevron.
I want pillows in the dining chairs and I have a 30x36 area to cover in the kitchen cabinet where I removed the doors for display shelves.
 Please wish me luck with all this sewing.. I'm gonna need it .  

Thanks for visiting me.  Its always a joy to have ya here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Give a Magical Gift and Kitchen update

Hi There..

  Kitchen Paint is still drying and I have'nt gotten to the store for knobs so no reveal today.
I'll get it all done and be ready for next Tuesdays Parties- which of course start on monday and that means I actually have to finish the kitchen by saturday night so I can take pics on sunday so I can choose the best ones, write up my TRUE experience with this...  ugg, maybe I better get is ready by friday night cause  OMG , have I got a story for ya'll ~!  its a doozy.

Did you know that giving a gift that contains someone’s birthstone is believed to bring the wearer great fortune and luck? Tradition tells that gifting a birthstone will bestow almost magical opportunities and abilities. 
   I mean as long as you plan to give someone a gift anyway, why not make it Magical~!
  Something that would improve their life every single day.
 If anyone asks and they always do :-)  I think I'll ask for something that has my birthstone on it.

   I'm a december baby so I'll be sure to ask for the apple green stone but I'll take any of the 3 ..
heres a site to tell you even more about your birthstone. I need to go back and read it myself.
 If theres Magic out there for me , I want to know it.

Your Birthstone and its Meaning


January Birthstone is GarnetJANUARY BIRTHSTONE

January Birthstone is Garnet, its color is usual Red, but it could be also green, blue, brown and even yellow. Garnet, among of all birthstones, fits to all ancient sources (such as Jews, Romans, Arabian, Poles, Russian and Italian) as a birthstone for January.

February Birthstone is AmethystFEBRUARY BIRTHSTONE

February Birthstone is Amethyst, its color is Purple or Violet. Amethyst is considered the best amulet to fight addictions, therefore, Amethyst is a stone of health from the ancient times. Amethyst, among of all birthstones, is often common in ancient Greek mythology.

March Birthstones: Aquamarine & BloodstoneMARCH BIRTHSTONES

March birthstone is Aquamarine, its transparent gem with greenish-blue tint, but often pale-blue. The varieties of this birthstone are divided as follows: Aquamarine, pure pale sky blue; Siberian aquamarine, pale greenish yellow; aquamarine chrysolite, greenish yellow with vivid luster. The best beryls come from Siberia, Brazil, Scotland and France.
Bloodstone or Heliotrope is an alternative Birthstone for March. It’s name comes to us from the Greek «Heliotropus», which means «The Sun» and «Turning» or the «Sunrise». Among all the birthstones, Bloodstone the only have «sanguine specks» in its body. It is mined in Africa, Germany, Cyprus and Czech Republic.

April Birthstone is DiamondAPRIL BIRTHSTONE

April Birthstone is Diamond. The diamond cutters of India call a rough diamond «Labora», because its beauty can’t be developed except by skillful and patient work. The art of cutting a diamond was not brought into Europe from the East until 1295.
April Birthstone has index 10/10 by Mohs Scale of Hardness, so Diamond is the hardest among all of birthstones. Diamonds occur in nearly all colors, the three shades most in demand being blue white, steel white, and pure white.

May Birthstone is EmeraldMAY BIRTHSTONE

May Birthstone is Emerald and its color is Green. The bulk of an emerald is large in proportion to its weight, one of equal weight with a sapphire, for instance, being nearly twice as large. A rich, soft, deep, velvety shade of green is the color demanded for a perfect emerald, but the birthstone occurs in every tint from a greenish blue to a pinkish brown.

June Birthstones: Alexandrite, Pearls & MoonstoneJUNE BIRTHSTONES

June Birthstone is Alexandrite. Its color could be dark blue-green, blue-green, dark grass-green, olive green in daylight and its color could be pink-magenta, red-purple, purple in the evening light. The name of this gem comes to us from Russia, in the honor of Alexander (Tsar). Alexandrite is the rarest of all birthstones.
Alternative birthstone for June is Pearls. The pearls is only one gem from our birthstones chart that comes to us from the deep sea. The history of Pearls is count many centuries. Among all of the birthstones, the Pearls is not «a stone» in the literal sense of the word. It stands between mineral and organic matter.
The Moonstone is an another birthstone for June, according to U.S. tradition since 1912. It has its name because of its unique cloudy transparency (among all of the birthstones), that seems like a moon shine in the night sky.

July Birthstone is RubyJULY BIRTHSTONE

July Birthstone is Ruby and its color is Red. The color of a perfect ruby matches exactly in shade the blood of a freshly killed pigeon, and its purity is often tested by placing it beside a drop of pigeon’s blood. It owes its color to the fact that one-sixth part of its chemical constitution is chromic acid. The ruby stands among birthstones next in rank to the diamond, and often, when of the same size and perfect in every respect, exceeds it in price.

August Birthstone is PeridotAUGUST BIRTHSTONE

August Birthstone is Peridot, its color is pale-green. The best and most perfect crystals of Peridot come from Egypt, Vatolia and Brazil. The birthstone is olive green in color and has vitreous luster. The dark colored birthstones are the favorites, as they are capable of receiving a high polish. They are cut in rose or brilliant form generally. Louis XIII brought them into fashion in France and they are favorite jewels yet in Paris.

September Birthstone is SapphireSEPTEMBER BIRTHSTONE

September Birthstone is Sapphire, its color is Deep-Blue. Sapphires come from Ceylon almost exclusively. They are found in other parts of the world, but never in sufficient quantity or perfection to form a market for their sale. The value of a sapphire does not increase in proportion to size as enormously as the ruby.
In trade it is known by four names: The male sapphire, which is the perfect stone of a rich, clear, soft blue shade; the female sapphire, whose color is specked with white; the very pale blue birthstones called a water sapphires; and the cat sapphire, which is of a blackish or greenish blue tint and not often transparent.

October Birthstones: Opal & TourmalineOCTOBER BIRTHSTONES

October Birthstone is Opal and it is multi colored gem. The Precious Opal, as the birthstone is named that is used for jewels, is found in Hungary, Faroe Islands, Saxony and South America. It is cut in a semi-circle, lens, or oval shape, very rarely with facets. Among all the birthstones, Opal can demonstrate all the shades of any colors except of black.
Alternative birthstone for October is Tourmaline. Tourmaline is a beautiful oriental gem, discovered in India and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). This birthstone also as his «brother» Opal, has variety of colors. It could be almost any color, including black (which name is Schorl), except white, but it could be transparent. There are also such interesting varieties of this birthstone as Paraiba Tourmaline, Rainbow Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline & Blue Cap Tourmaline.

November Birthstones: Topaz & CitrineNOVEMBER BIRTHSTONES

November Birthstone is Topaz. The topaz has, when perfect, a beautiful clear wine yellow. It is generally cut as a brilliant and is used for all kinds of jewelry. It is found in almost every part of the world. In the «French Imperial Bibliotheque» are several engraved topazes, and a very large and beautiful one is in the Vatican, cut with an Indian Bacchus. Its name means «the search» from the Greek «topazos».
Alternative birthstone for November is Citrine. Citrine is a Yellow variety of Quartz. Its name comes to us from the latin word «Citrus». It also called «False Topaz» or «Brazilian Topaz», because of its similarity with its «brother birthstone». This gems is very popular in modern jewelry for its gold color.

December Birthstones: Turquoise, Tanzanite & ZirconDECEMBER BIRTHSTONES

December birthstone is Turquoise. Ancients called it the «Turkey Stone». Turquoise is the only opaque gem from our birthstones chart. Ancient called the color of Turquoise as a «sky color free from all clouds». But the color of Turquoise can also be sky-blue, greenish-blue and also apple-green.
Alternative birthstone for December is Tanzanite. Tanzanite is very young gem in birthstone jewelry, it was discovered in 1967 in Masai tribe in Africa at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. One of the warriors of the Masai tribe brought Tanzanite, weighing 10 carats in the office of Manuel De Douša. Its color form Sapphire-Blue to the Amethyst-Violet.
Another alternative December Birthstone is Zircon. Zircon is used for imitation of many gems of highest category. It was little known until the IV Century A.D., before it was described by Bishop Epiphanius.

 Happy Tuesday and thanks for visiting.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Kitchen Cabinets ARE Being Painted

  After a long and frustrating wait,  the kitchen cabinets are at last being painted..

     I decided to go with navaho white and they added a smidge of black to make a very subtle grey undertone which no one else in the world will notice but me , lol..

    Most of you know how this process works so I wont go into the details.
 Clean- sand-prime-paint-wait-paint coat2-wait-topcoat-wait add knobs and pulls.

   We are at stage 4 on the above list, which means it looks like a big ole mess...
  Having been thru this process twice before in other homes I know not to panic because
the end result will bring me Joy.. A beautiful bright white cheerful kitchen at which I will
smile every time I look at it..
  This has been the main thing I missed from my former home and I admit, my heart cant get into this one till this task is done.
  Was it an ugly kitchen- NO.    Over sized upper cabs and all in a medium hickory tone.  or folks who love wood it would have been wonderful but for me.. not so much.
  This one area has actually held me mentally captive concerning decorating the rest of the house.

  I have a feeling when its done my mind with click into gear and I'll be able to decorate which will finally make it feel like home...

  I really wanted to recommend the painter to other folks in my area- but the jury is still out on that so I'll wait and give my review when I post the finished and decorated reveal.
  I like to help local workers in my area, if I can,BUT I have to be honest about the entire process so folks who might hire them will know Honestly what to expect.

 so here are some before and during photos.

 I'll go to lowes and pick out my new knobs and pulls tommorrow..

  I'll do a reveal next tuesday so watch for it at some of your favorite meme parties..

  and miles to go before I SMILE:-)

Ya'll come back to see me, ya hear..  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cocoa Crumbalicios Cookies

Hello There,
 Waving" Hi "from beautiful NC..   I woke up this morning to 62 degrees~!  yes indeedy, you read that right-- 62  wooooooohooooo dang degrees.   Doing a mega Happy Dance here.
 I opened the window and the backdoor to let in as much fresh air as I could..

 Then an hour later I heard the mowers start up and the scent of fresh mown grass wafted thru the house..   If I smiled any wider the sides of my mouth would be touching my ear lobes.  now there's a visual for Ya ..

  yea, I know ya'll have read and read and read about a painter coming here to turn my kitchen white...
  So I am absolutely not gonna say a word about his possible arrival in the morning about 9:30.. Nope ain't gonna say nuffin about it....
 Special Announcement for a Special Few.....
and yes there were only a few ,so this portion of the post is for them only.
::: ::::  for those of ya'll who have wondered,,
if the meds are effecting my spelling or my typing- the answer is an absolute emphatic HELL NOOOO  they arent..   geez what happened to NO STIGMA towards people who were trying to get help for their illness, just as one would for diabeties- cancer- arthritis or any other disease?????  So if you were one who came here and smiled and left an ever so sweet comment just to rush off as soon as you could to whisper about me and basically stab me in the back - then PLEASE just remove yourself from my followers,  as I do not wish to offend you with my spelling, my typo's or any mention of my illness and the wellness I am seeking. thank you, The Management- no responce required.~!!!!

::: I type like I talk and my misspellings add extra fun to the reading of my posts, because  my visiters also get to play the now famous Mystery Game-- What Was She Saying?
I could have sold my game for $29.95 a click, but NOPE I let all my blog visiters play for free cause I'm just generous like that...  
 That concluded this rant- again only to the special few to whom it pertains..

 This has been a favorite cookie recipe of mine since childhood.

     It's just plain yummy and  melts in your mouth, super easy to make and its CHOCOLATE.

    Kids love to help making these and they love eating them too.

 Just a little warning though,too many may cause a tummy ache.


Come back and see me sometime..


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Country Living Quiz , Wow Wow

  I got an email from Country Living and there was a quiz in it so I thought , what the heck , I'll take it and see what it says..

 ::::  I'v had these items for many months , just waiting to put it all together in the great room:::: yep ,, its true~!

  Well, lemme tell ya, it hit the nail on the head with me.. In fact,  I have several of the items that are on the Rustic sample..

  The mercury glass lamp with the same shade
  The floral fabric for drapes and pillows
  The yellow ticking fabric
  The sea grass rug
  The pale taupy and the medium teal paint color
  The shutter headboard , but I'm using it for something else:)
  The lavendar- I have 7 bundles of it for a rustic basket I found at the dump... seriously, who would dump that,, sheesh..

 This was soooooooooooooo much fun and so accurate.. I'm amazed.
     Take the quiz and see if it Nails You..  either way.. let me know how ya feel about what it said... I'm curious:-)
many thanks for visiting me..
link to quiz below...  Have Fun
Country Living says my Style is...

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Pristine Potty

 Havin a good day ~!

 I know I know, its only 10:30 am lol..   hey, hey- I take my goodies where and when I get them ,so I feel like I should share those too.

    I've been in this new home 9 months and the truth is, I have'nt made any real decisions on how I want to decorate it.   It's a townhome and everything seems like its right under my nose, if ya know what I mean.  From the front door all the way thru to the door to the screened porch, is Viewable at all times.  oui vey~! that jewish sorta for Holy Smokes SonnyGirl ..   

this isnt mine,, I said I cleaned--didnt say I take photos this early:)
mighty purdy bathroom though, isnt it.. might have to copy some of it.   BHG  baths if ya wanna check the rest of them out.

  For an OCD gal like myself I'm pretty sure you know what that means.   I start cleaning, straigtening before my eyes are fully open... 
  If I get up to use the potty at night, ::yes I am a woman of nightly potty age::  I come back to a made up bed.. which I dont remember doing by the way...  
  On a few occasions I've actually woken up to a pristine potty, cause apparently I can squirt cleaning solution,  swooch it around with the brush and flush, with my eyes closed and with most of my brain shut off-- except that teeny tiny portion that can clean..Seriously??  yep seriously..

   Going to get my car inspected and my new sticker this afternoon- IF, I can get out the door ..   anxiety is a real pain in the patootie.:(  but for the moment- I'm having a GOOD DAY and I hope your having one too..

  in my best Mae West voice,
Come Back and See Me, Sometime  :: sly grin and a lil bat of the lashes..::
 I may not always be a fun read but it'll be honest and sincere.

Sonny G

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kitchen Cabinet Color Choices

  Hi Ya'll..

  I'm still here:)   wow its been awhile and I want to thank you all for not unfollowing me.. That was mighty sweet of ya..:)    Lots of stuff has been going on since the end of January and not much of it was Decor..
 My favorite carpenter Paul is finally back in NC.. He had to leave for 2 months and tend to fixing and selling his mother in law's home in California.  What he thought might take 3 weeks took a lot longer but thats how it is with remodeling. You never know what you'll run into.    Now that he's back , I have a full page list of things I want him to do.

  This little break I took actually gave me plenty of time to sit and look at my kitchen cabinets..    Glad I lived with them a few months and didnt jump right into painting them.
  However the browny tone Hickory color just isnt working for me..  Its time to PAINT~ !

  I showed ya'll the kithen back in late jan..  but I'll add a pic of it here to refresh your memory.  granite counters in  brownish greys combo-- neutral enough to go with anything..  Tile backsplash-- its beigy grey.. all stainless appliances and hickory hardwood floors/darker than cabinets..    Basically a blank pallet.
I got a sample pic of one door , took it to my art program and colored them as
 I am hoping you'll help me with this.. 
I'll be using kilz and Valspar satin.. I have my own tints so if they end up glazed I'll take over from Paul at that point..  all he has to do is the tough part  giggle.  sand prime and paint.  easy peasy, right? 

 so here are the samples.  If you comment and I hope you will- Please state your color choice and why ya choose it..  Thankies:)
Weathered Grey---original Hickory tone---Navaho White

Palest Sage---Teal Blue--Antique White/pale grey glaze

  Should I say which one The Daughter choose lol..  dont be influenced by her please. Antique white-- she is rather conservative.

  What I do, can be undone or redone, so dont let that effect your choice either..
the interior decor has a blend of all these colors- so NONE would be a wrong choice-except for the hickory lol.

   Thanks again for not giving up on me and for your very valued opinion..  Means a lot to me..
  Big Southern Hugs to ALL of YA  ~!!!

parties I am attending..   go see all the pretties others have posted too. pretty please:)

Mod Mix Monday
Amaze Me Monday 
 Tweak It Tuesday
The Scoop 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Making Choices

   Hi Folks,,

 I know its been awhile but moving after 15 years and downsizing a little has taken more time, thought and decision making than I anticipated.

  Before I show the new items I've chosen , I would like to thank those of you who wrote and asked about how I was doing.. 
As many of you know depression and anxiety is difficult to treat, several medications usually have to be tried in different dose levels before arriving at the proper med in the proper dose....  Then MOVING and the stress it causes all by itself came along and sent me into a bit of a spin.  But I feel leveled out now and realize I'll have my better and not so better days or hours.   I feel very blessed to be one of the people who has responded to meds and therapy , as many with my same illness die of it and are never able to find Contentment or Happiness, again..  I pray for them daily now, since I am aware of the pain they are in..
  Its like the saying goes- you have to walk in those Mocassins to understand.
    The move went well and quickly.   My prior home is leased out now and that makes life in my new home even better.   Knowing she is in appreciative loving hands brings a smile to my face.
  I have absolutely made the choice that I WONT buy anything I dont truly LOVE.
 so now on to the fun stuff,  "a few" of the furniture choices- so far anyway.. More to come over the next week or so and a few I may need your opinions on too, so dont change that dial lol.

::::: These are all internet photos- so they look way different in color due to each sites lighting and photo skills lol.
 its all white , sand or grey beige...  Of course when photographed in my home they will look different then too...:::::

 The liiving room area is 25x19 ..  I think thats right:) close anyway.

PB Pierce sofa-- delivery due date-- 1/27/2014
  This was my favorite because I CANT tolerate sofa's with skirts lol.  I also cant struggle with slipcovers.   I plan to spray it with scotchgard and hope for the best..
  Can ya  go wrong with a white sofa?  Maybe, Maybe not- we shall see.
   2 channel back chairs, Christopher Knight collection.  They are very well made and quite comfortable. Do ya'll remember Chris from the Brady bunch?   Cant believe he's over 50 now- wow, where does the time go.
 its a grey beige tone- very neutral.
1 chair and ottoman  Portfolio Mira- it got super good reviews so I'll give it a try and i its not right, back it goes.
  Guest room bed and nitestands::
  Thats all for now...   I'll be back with more kitchen dining things in a few days..

Thanks for visiting and I appreciate so many of you sticking with me during my silent time..
Big Southern Hugs

 Partys where I am playing.
Tweak It Tuesday over at Brenda's Cozy Little Home