Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Talk about a WOOOHOOO Bargain

 Howdy Do Folks..
  Its always a joy to have you visit me..


I was up early this morning and since there was no one else awake to chat , I had to busy myself with something else.. What did I choose to do, you ask.. Clean, read an ebook, do a mock up plan for my yard,,, of course not~! I typed in craigslist to see what had gone up for sale during the few hours I was off the computer lol..
Let me back up a minute and tell you that about 18 months ago I bought a beautiful french secretary for 90.00..
 I know I know, unheard of, but I did .. it needed work, wait , let me make that WORK. it was badly scratched and one drawer was broke and the left top door had no glass but still for 90.00 a steal.. So I got it and sanded , stained and got her dang close to original.. Pattin myself on the back here cause it wasnt easy..
  I got it in the spot I wanted it but hadnt had time to decorate it yet and the 2nd wednesday night in the month arrived which means, so did my card group from American Express.. Love those girls~! they are all so much fun.. They all arrived on time and one of them was eyeing my secretary~!  half way through the evening she says out of the blue , I'll give ya 600.00 for that .. ummm, money is a fav of mine ya'll know, and talk about a whopping profit, so,  she paid me and we loaded it into her suv and that was that.. The next morning, I was grieving.. Where, when would I ever find another at a price I was willing to pay.. See, Sonny is so tight she squeeks when she walks lol.. Thats what everyone says anyway and I guess its true. I squeeze a dollar till it hollars and then  I tell it to hush... I have looked several times a week and found many 4 to 6  times higher than what I paid but none I was willing to spring for..
  Thats brings us back to early this morning:)  Pennsylvania House Secretary, 175.00.. ok now we're back in my price range, sorta.. I emailed, left my phone number and asked them to call.. Did I say it was in perfect condition and she still has the original paperwork for it....I offered 100.00 and she said OK.. I told her I needed it delivered and so thats 10.00 more:) For 110.00, this is what I got..


Dont ya'll run off now till you help me decide what to put on the back . I just cant handle muted gold..
I have some diamond fabric left in off white and black.  What do ya'll think about that?
If I stay focused maybe I can post it again, decorated by next wooohooo wednesday:)

 Thanks for stopping by to visit me. I'll be on early in the morning, if not before, to check out all the links ya posted at Marla's party.. many thanks to all who commented on my last post. it was so much fun reading what ya'll had to say.. Makes me grin to know you were here..

Hugs and happy Wednesday to ((ALL))