I got an email from BHG this morning and went straight to their " Decorating with Green" article..
I LOVE green in almost every shade and tone. That was always my favorite color, even as a small child.
Whenever I was given a choice of anything, I choose Green. My grandmother knew about Green tea wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before it become a popular drink and yep Green Tea is what she gave me.
I wanted to share these green room samples with Ya'll just in case you dont get the BHG emails and might miss them.. Some are subtle, some dramatic, some sparse and some vibrant . I love them all and couldnt choose a favorite.. I saved all the samples and plan to use one if DebbieDoo ever has another copycat party.. so without further ado-- or as its said in the South, I 'll Hush Now lol..
enjoy and lemme know which is your fav in your comments. It always makes me smile when I look back and see which one the majority thought I'd be doing a copy of..
oh yea- ya still have till saturday at 5 pm to enter my giveaway. I'll be posting the winner a bit after 7 pm. click on the link below - follow me and leave a comment on That Post.. Good Luck..
Annie Sloan French Look Giveaway
Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor
1 day ago