Hi there Folks..
I hope everyone has recovered from their Turkey Day meal.. I am slowing coming back to life after being stuffed for days..:)
I'm partying with Marty ~ dont miss all the wonderous posts at this party...
Marty's Tabletop Party
I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago my plan to have a Music themed Christmas and thats made it a bit slow going as so much has had to be made.. Not only did I choose music but I also choose not to use tradition colors.. We are running the gamet from vanilla creme to dark chocolate brown and we are Loving it.. My daughter is especially happy since these are her favorite colors.
I still have so much to do for the tree and the fireplace mantle but I am calling this table done...
I had the violins on music paper printed at walmart.. As soon as I got them I wished I'd had them done in 5x7 size but - too late.. Plus these little photos in frames are all over the tree and larger would have been too heavy for the branches...
I started out with plates and filled glass jars and after looking at it for a day I decided it was TOO MUCH and moved some things to other places in the room..
I love my faux window but Dang it ~ its tough to take a good photo in the area..
. I used the pinecones Maryanne sent me last year in several areas...
I've had these music ornaments for many years and I always enjoy seeing them when I bring my containers out of storage .. Isn't it fun every year to open your boxes and see the holiday items you've cherished.. For me its almost like visiting with old friends.
Thanks so much for coming to visit me.. I appreciate it very much and your comments mean a lot to me.
I'll be having tea and cookies on thursday so stop back in and we'll have a great time...
Happy Holidays Hugs to All ~!
Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor
1 day ago