I wanted to join in Sheila's Party..
Roo party
and since its a counter scape I'm joining Marty's Party~ tablescape
I only have a few Roo's to show this year.
Two cute Roo' lamps I found for 5.50- for both of them, yeaaaaaaaa..
My daughter bought me this Roo bell.. I wonder if I should ring it when I want her to do something.. giggle
I may have shown this Roo last year but since he moved over here to guard the fruit, I'll show him again.
This Roo lamp sits by the sink and functions as a nice night light if anyone needs something from the kitchen.
Couldnt get a good photo of these . Large white Roo and Roo canisters make a cute vignette on the fridge top.. I got my pretty sign from ~Kathy at Creative Home Expressions.
love it~!
I can hardly wait till the party starts and I can come visit and see all of Ya'lls Roos..
Thanks for stopping in to visit.. We love having ya here.
Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor
1 day ago