I was singing that post title in my bestest Elvis voice, could ya hear me. or was that Jerry Lee Lewis..
I get my 60's singers confused lol
I must feel better, I did a tablescape. Just used things from my stash and 2 new laterns from Pottery Barn.. They were on sale for sure cause no way would I pay full price.
Same table setting, taken at slightly different angles. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Soon the table gets cleared and its bottom and the chairs get painted.. Bet ya cant guess what color I'll use.
I couldnt resist playing with this first shot in psp. No cats were harmed in the making of this tag lol.
I'll be joining this party.. Please go see these folks and all those who posted. I promise it will be a enjoyable experience ..Parties usually start after 6 pm on tuesday night .. so check back then
Kim ~Savvy Southern Style ~ Wow Us Wednesday
Nest of Posies Party - week 4
Thanks so much for visiting me. Without YOU this would be no fun for Me..
Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor
1 day ago