I was going through my Christmas containers to see what else I was going to use and what could go back to the storage builder. I came across what I thought was just a crumpled up ball of paper but once i picked it up, it was heavier than crumpled paper should be. Amazed and thrilled, I found a tiny santa I thought I'd lost several years ago. He must have fallen to the bottom of the box and larger heavier items had been stacked on top of him.. He's fine, came thru without a scratch. I knew he had to have a special place in the holiday decor this year in honor of his survival:)
There's more to this story::: 6 or 7 years ago, one of my Pom babies had a little infection in her eye. I bought epsom salts and followed a recipe from my Nana and it worked perfect. It only called for an 1/8th of a teaspoon in a cup of water so I've had a 99.99% full container of epsom salts in the same cabinet , in the same spot for years.. But it wasnt there today~! Nor anywhere else in the house that I could think of to search.. I started to think my tiny santa display wasnt going to happen since I felt I had to have snow..
So I'm just passing on what I learned today.. Guess what else looks like faux snow- epsom salts- ice crystals or whatever folks have been using -- Powdered Milk~! yep, thats right, powdered milk, which I had, so I used it.. We bloggers are nothing if not creative~! lol... I think the government should hire us to figure things out at a rapid pace, start the proper steps to quickly turn situations around cause we'd be soooooooooooooooooooooooo good at it , not to mention the money we'd save the country..
Steppin off my soap box now and posting what we like best-- the PICTURES lol
Silver tray and candles from the dollar store- bottle trees from my stash and powered milk snow from the pantry.. White deer from somewhere online , I forgot the name of the store and they were over priced anyway..
This vignette is at the end of my bar that faces the living room. Since I'm not actually decorating in there this year, this gives folks who come thru the front some holiday prettys to look at too..
Sweet tiny santa is so happy to be out of the box... bless his lil heart.
Do ya'll think I have enough candles going in this area lol...I love all the twinkling of the flames.
Santa and I appreciate you visiting us. We promise to have cookies and tea next time..
God Bless Us, Every One. Tiny Tim
Love and Hugs
I am participating in these parties. Do make sure to click the links and pay them a visit. There will be lots of inspiration and beauty to enjoy.. Thanks ladies for hosting these great parties for us so we can show off our Stuff and see others folks new creations too...
Kristen's Share Your Creation Party
Kim's Wow Us Wednesday
White Wednesday At Faded Charm
Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor
1 day ago