Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Tabletop ~Past

I wanted to Party with Marty over at A Stroll Thru Life

Ya'll make sure to go visit her and see all the great posts others have made.  Lots of fun and inspiration for ya.

 I dug up a couple photos of Tabletops I had done in Christmas Past. 
  Just so ya know, there'll be no red this year :)

I hope ya enjoy going on this trip down memory lane with me.

 Thanks so much for visiting me. I always like having you here.
 Grab a cookie ~!

Christmas Past in Music

 Good Morning Folks

 I've been holiday decorating for a few days off and on , so I thought while I took a break I'd show a little Christmas Past of my music theme in 2010, or was it 2009, I forget, lol..  We really enjoyed this white and shades of brown , though I havent done it again.. I have it all saved in containers for Someday.  :-)

  I have so many newer followers so I wanted to share a bit of it before I started this years Holiday posts.

 I hope you enjoy it..
Happy Monday.. 
Wishing you a wonderful day.