I wanted to show you my new lamp by the sink. I forgot to take a before photo but I found one pretty close on the internet. Mine was very Colorful like the sample and this wasnt going to work with my color scheme.
here's the sample I found
adding this here~ ~~~link for Kim's Party- WOW us Wednesdays
Out came the kilz primer and I sprayed it.. Then::though it doesnt show well in the pic:: I lightly antiqued it using just the tiniest bit of minwax walnut stain in the details.. In real life that part shows up a lot more.. I'm pretty sure I learned this trick from Marty at A Stroll Thru Life.. She did this technique on something and I never forgot about it, so thanks Marty~! Just goes to show you never knows who's watching and learning from the things we post..
Here's it is with the light on.. AND this lamp shade was on sale yesterday at Walmart for only 3.99 -- usually 8.99.. They had lots of them if anyones interested..
A light right by the sink suits me. I dont like to turn on the ceiling lights just to do a little something in there. Its enough light if I need something from the kitchen at night and it makes me smile.
Here it is with the light off.. maybe you can see the details a bit better.
I'm tickled with how it turned out and I love projects that only take about an hour before I can check them off my list...
Thanks so much for visiting me. We're mighty happy to have ya.
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