I sure have missed you folks.. We still have another load to go to goodwill. I knew when he mentioned cleaning the storage building we were in for a HUGE mess.. It still isn't a place of beauty but I can walk in there and see what I need to grab off a shelf, which is a vast improvement I assure you..
The painters came and removed the many layers of wallpaper and patched all the holes and spots where the sheet rock tore away.. I love seeing pretty wallpaper in others homes but I don't think I'll ever have any put up again.. Its just too hard to get rid of..
I'm participating in Meta Monday with Susan at Betweens Naps on the Porch.
Please take a few minutes and go see all the beautiful transformations folks have posted for your viewing enjoyment..
It took them 8 days to get back to me to sand and paint and then 4 more before they could come and caulk..
sheesh-- it was 2 regular size rooms lol... but its done and if I hurry and decorate I might be able to participate in the kitchen party posted on the sidebar of my blog..
During this same span of time we also got the trees and shrubs trimmed- new mulch and the house power washed... I like the idea we are going into winter with all the major things done.
Last year the rockers were black and could'nt be seen till you were actually on the porch..The garage door and porch ceiling were done in taupe.. I'd had enough of that and called the vinyl man to come and make a change.. We put in a stone walkway and were happy- at that time anyway..
Before- middle of the update..
I did manage to finally make and get my fall wreath up.. I thought I better do it in traditional fall colors as it will stay up until its replaced for the Holidays.
I found a birdcage made of twigs and just had to use it.. Right now everything is still fairly green here but in a few weeks that will change.. I used the pears , pumpkins and apples I see at all our local fruit markets.
You can smell the sweet goodness of those places as you ride by.. Have I mentioned this is my very favorite time of year.. I got 2 large pumpkins and cooked them up this weekend for pies, cakes and breads this winter.. When I bake my pies and post them I'll add my great grandmothers recipe for ya'll..
If you're going to add a birdhouse you must add a bird, right? :) I hope the real ones dont peck at him.. Its small and fragile , cant fly away or handle much abuse...
Thank you for taking time out of your life to come and visit me.. I know we are all busy and especially so this time of year.. Its a joy for me to have you here..
I hope to be able to do some visiting myself this week..
Happy Fall to ALL..
Vintage French Country Lamp in Décor
1 day ago