Sunday, February 27, 2011

See it FIRST, then Decide~!!

  I know we've all seen mood boards and posted inspiration photos but there's just nothing like seeing something in your own home on your own furniture to make a great decision about IF you really want to buy something. I can say its saved me lots of time not buying items and sending them  back and there's just no price for making making a purchase, having it arrive and then being very disappointed as it just doe'snt transfer from an advertisement- or store shelf-  to Our home.
 After giving this a lot of thought I'll be opening an internet business.. This service will allow you to do exactly what I described above for a very reasonable price ...
I'm joining these parties.. do go by and see all the lovely inspiration others have posted..

Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
                                                                I posted this bed a couple weeks ago when I was thinking of painting my 4 poster cherry bed and I have definatly decided to do it as soon as other things settle down a bit..  in the mean time I've been Virtually testing different bedding - lamp colors - decor and lampshades.. Imagine if I'd have had to make these purchases in order to SEE them... just the wear and tear on my nerves would have been more than I could tolerate lol.....
If you like this idea-- let me know by emailing me .. My email link is right under my header..  Would'nt you love to see your own space transformed while you sit in the comfort of your own home at your computer screen..   I can add molding- change the color of furniture and let you see lots of different versions of projects you have in mind before you ever pick up a paint brush  or nail gun or whatever equipment might be needed.  With the price of gas being what it is, saving just one trip to the store is gonna be great ~!
Have you ever wondered what a piece of art would look like on your wall??  I can show you.. Want to see what new drapes would look like at your windows? New cabinets in your kitchen? change your counter top?
 Thats just the interior:) Imagine a new roof- siding color- shutters- landscaping. Oh my:)

   ok, ok 'll hush now and get on with the photos ..

The possibilities are endless... I'm thrilled just thinking about it..
 Maybe you have clients you'd like to show what you can do - In advance..
  Write me-- I know we can work something out that'll be wonderful for all of us..
We'll communicate about  what you have in mind and my prices..  I'll get a button made for this that will be clickable this week..
 In the meantime I hope you enjoy what I have done in these samples..
I love them all but will probably choose the most neutral...:)
 Yes, I know now that I've put it out there half the folks on the internet will be offering it too , hahahah.. but remember your Pal Sonny offered it here... We'll have a great time together..
Below- I changed it to aqua's and blues..  this is the same bed I posted 2 weeks ago with the Brown bedding..  the blues look great and I may change my mind if  I keep looking at these photos..
 I changed the lamp color- the bedding- the lampshade and added a little blue here and there..
Sure makes a difference does'nt it..
rememeber the original brown bedding.. its fine but not what I had in mind for my room..
I was actually showing this Paula dean bed as inspiration for what to do with my own..
In this I found a love lavendar quilt set and changed the accessories accordingly... I love seeing a room transformed right before my eyes and I know you would too..
 In this sample I keep it soothing and simple.. I am 90% sure this is what I'll go with but it was so much easier to make this decision since I could see my other choices and not just wonder what they'd look like..
  I sure had fun with this and I am so happy you stopped in to see me..
let me know if I can help you SEE a change in your own home...
ps- any suggestions for my new business name would be great too.. Cant wait to hear from ya'll..