I was at goodwill on the 22nd and I spied 2 tiny teapots and what is supposed to be a toothpic holder.. But ya'll know I often use things in ways other than their intended purpose:) The teapots were 50 cents each and the toothpic holder was 25 cents.. Can I spend money like it was water or what lol.. I made a quick run in Hobby Lobby and they had napkins on sale for 99 cents. There were some black with white polka dot ones calling my name and I listened.. I had the polka dot ribbon so I was set.. I like it and for less than $5.00 too.
I used one pot for cream and the other for splenda and the lil holder for a candle. I've had the tray awhile but decided to line the bottom with some of my document wrapping paper from Ballard. I love that paper and I have lots of ideas for using it that have nothing to do with wrapping ..
I love black and white and I plan to add some grey to that mix this year. I LOVE those polka dot napkins.
I may go back and see if they have more and make a couple of pillows out of them.. They are Large:)
I'm partying with Marty~Tabletop Tuesday
((if i find any more parties, I'll add them, so check back)) I need to find the party list ..
Whats It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants
Thanks so much for visiting me.. You know I love having you in my home.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday
I am wishing every One of you the Merriest Christmas , The Happiest Holiday, and all the blessings of this world and the next.
Its quiet day for me, cause its my Birthday.. I'll spend it making a very long grateful list. Be assured all of you will be on it. I am truly blessed to be among such wise, lovely women- and men too:)
Enjoy the day and if you want to give me a Gift- LOVE Yourselves. Wrap your arms around YOU and hug real tight...
Love Ya'll Bunches
Its quiet day for me, cause its my Birthday.. I'll spend it making a very long grateful list. Be assured all of you will be on it. I am truly blessed to be among such wise, lovely women- and men too:)
Enjoy the day and if you want to give me a Gift- LOVE Yourselves. Wrap your arms around YOU and hug real tight...
Love Ya'll Bunches
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Whats Your ELF name?
I thought this was fun and I'd love for ya to post your elf name in the comments..
I have a couple little girls coming this afternoon and I know they'll have fun with this too.
Get your ELF NAME
heres mine.. giggle
have fun.. cant wait to hear yours ..
Merry Christmas
I have a couple little girls coming this afternoon and I know they'll have fun with this too.
Get your ELF NAME
heres mine.. giggle
have fun.. cant wait to hear yours ..
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 19, 2011
Woodsy Reindeer Table
This sofa table usually sits behind the sofa- thats a shock huh lol.. I just moved it to the wall under my ballard knock off mirrors for a few weeks and when the holiday decor is put away it'll move back to its proper spot.
I found another set of reindeers and just had to have them.. Birch covered candles and some cedar pieces were all I needed to do this display.. I've scaled back quite a bit from what I used to do and I have to say I am enjoying it much more.
Please go visit Marty and all the great folks who have posted their creations. Its a great way to spend a few quiet hours browsing through lots and lots of beauty.. Thats what I'll be doing for sure...
Go visit Marty here..
Thanks so much for visiting me.
I wish you all a wonderful Holiday and a Very Merry Christmas
God Bless Us, Every ONE
I found another set of reindeers and just had to have them.. Birch covered candles and some cedar pieces were all I needed to do this display.. I've scaled back quite a bit from what I used to do and I have to say I am enjoying it much more.
Please go visit Marty and all the great folks who have posted their creations. Its a great way to spend a few quiet hours browsing through lots and lots of beauty.. Thats what I'll be doing for sure...
Thanks so much for visiting me.
I wish you all a wonderful Holiday and a Very Merry Christmas
God Bless Us, Every ONE
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Pinecone Deliciousness and Pretty Too
All the packages are wrapped and my mess is cleaned up, even the sink and dishwasher are empty..
Now that's a mini miracle for sure:)
Now that's a mini miracle for sure:)
My friend Jean made this for a party she had at her house.. It was so pretty and yummy I just have to share it.
Just 3 ingredients and so easy to make . It doesnt get better than that, does it.
I adore that plate she used too. I have a special place in my heart for anything with Birds.
Talk about a transformation- woooohooooo.. To get there, all you have to do is, have a block of creme cheese and 1 pack of sliced almonds.. Ya'll know how to toast almonds but if not , just google that and lots of folks give instructions. She used a small piece of pine but a rosemary sprig would be great too. Thats probably what I'll use since I have whats now a rosemary tree growing in a pot lol..Dont forget to set out a variety of crackers too..I'll be adding an olive plate along side mine. I love creme cheese and olives but in case folks dont, I plate them seperate and then folks can choose .
Allow the creme cheese to come to room temperature and then with a flat knife just start smoothing the edges till you get the pinecone shape.. Then starting at the edge bottom start adding your almonds. Once you get started you'll see this is super easy to do. then pop in your pine or rosemary top and viola~!
Everyone will oooooooooooo and ahhhhhhhhhhhh and think you are a culinary artist and if they dont-just stand up super straight, tilt your nose in the air and" TELL THEM you are", using your very best Martha Stewart voice. rofl.. Yea, if it works for Maaaaaaaaaaaaaatha, it'll work for you and me.
I'm joining Susan @ Between naps on the Porch
I hope you'll go and visit Her and the folks who have posted their transformations.. I learn so much and have a great time viewing other people Blogs and I know they appreciate it, cause I sure love when folks visit me.
I read every comment and sometimes I come back and read them a few more times.
Chocolate Christmas
I'm Partying with ~~Chari @Happy To Design, Sunday Favorites
::not sure why my photos are cut off on one edge:):: oh well its OK..
Repost from~ Nov. 29, 2010
Hi there Folks..
I hope everyone has recovered from their Turkey Day meal.. I am slowing coming back to life after being stuffed for days..:)
I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago my plan to have a Music themed Christmas and thats made it a bit slow going as so much has had to be made.. Not only did I choose music but I also choose not to use tradition colors.. We are running the gamet from vanilla creme to dark chocolate brown and we are Loving it.. My daughter is especially happy since these are her favorite colors.
I still have so much to do for the tree and the fireplace mantle but I am calling this table done...
I had the violins on music paper printed at walmart.. As soon as I got them I wished I'd had them done in 5x7 size but - too late.. Plus these little photos in frames are all over the tree and larger would have been too heavy for the branches...
I started out with plates and filled glass jars and after looking at it for a day I decided it was TOO MUCH and moved some things to other places in the room..
I love my faux window but Dang it ~ its tough to take a good photo in the area..
. I used the pinecones Maryanne sent me last year in several areas...
I've had these music ornaments for many years and I always enjoy seeing them when I bring my containers out of storage .. Isn't it fun every year to open your boxes and see the holiday items you've cherished.. For me its almost like visiting with old friends.
Thanks so much for coming to visit me.. I appreciate it very much and your comments mean a lot to me.
I'll be having tea and cookies on thursday so stop back in and we'll have a great time...
Happy Holidays Hugs to All ~!
I hope everyone has recovered from their Turkey Day meal.. I am slowing coming back to life after being stuffed for days..:)
I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago my plan to have a Music themed Christmas and thats made it a bit slow going as so much has had to be made.. Not only did I choose music but I also choose not to use tradition colors.. We are running the gamet from vanilla creme to dark chocolate brown and we are Loving it.. My daughter is especially happy since these are her favorite colors.
I still have so much to do for the tree and the fireplace mantle but I am calling this table done...
I had the violins on music paper printed at walmart.. As soon as I got them I wished I'd had them done in 5x7 size but - too late.. Plus these little photos in frames are all over the tree and larger would have been too heavy for the branches...
I started out with plates and filled glass jars and after looking at it for a day I decided it was TOO MUCH and moved some things to other places in the room..
I love my faux window but Dang it ~ its tough to take a good photo in the area..
. I used the pinecones Maryanne sent me last year in several areas...
I've had these music ornaments for many years and I always enjoy seeing them when I bring my containers out of storage .. Isn't it fun every year to open your boxes and see the holiday items you've cherished.. For me its almost like visiting with old friends.
Thanks so much for coming to visit me.. I appreciate it very much and your comments mean a lot to me.
I'll be having tea and cookies on thursday so stop back in and we'll have a great time...
Happy Holidays Hugs to All ~!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Rainy Imperfectly Perfect Day
I missed so many of the parties but it had a silver lining. It gave me time to visit so many of you that I know and to meet some new folks and see their creations.. I even learned a few things along the way.. Tips for projects- rooms I'd love to copy certain elements of, and most importantly the fact that it doesnt have to be perfect in every single inch of the home. I stress too much, seriously I do. That needs to stop and I am inspired by others in blogland to STOP it. I want to thank those of ya'll who did the " keeping it real" posts and for showing me your areas that dont always bring you absolute joy every single minute.
Often we come to our blogs and check out others posts and well, I admit it, makes me feel like I am not quite up to par on certain things. I need to remember I am looking at a photo they choose to post and just a few feet away , right out of the lense, is something that isnt picture perfect ..
In case you cant see it- I smudged my Merry Christmas stamp AND in an attempt to get the deer to stand up on its own like its supposed to and by golly outta considering what I paid for this junk that arrived, I broke its leg... now I have Hunk of junk with gorilla glue on it.. oh yeaaaaaaaa NOT lol..
and just in case ya missed it I have 1 headless reindeer on that stamp too.. I know folks are into antlers- but headless reindeer- I dont think sooooooooooo..
I think thats the gift I'll give myself this Christmas.. I dont have to be PERFECT, its ok and I dont need to Stress about it anymore.
I think I'll start not stressing- Today, just gonna call it an early gift to myself:)
I stenciled a couple of pillows and sat them on the family room love seats for the paint to dry. Then my neighbor called and asked if I could help her hang a picture and I went over there for about 15 mins.
When I got back, I saw that Buffy Marie had decided the new pillows were for her- well , at least one of them was.... What did say Silent Night, now says Slgityysh Nolgjhdg or thats what it looks anyway..
She has no idea why I might be taking a picture of her oh so innocent face... deep breathing relieves anger, did I remember to mention that? DEEP BREATH
While I had the camera out I thought I'd go on and show you a few imperfect areas..
In this photo , if you gaze left, you'll see how the pillow was supposed to look- I still have to embellish it but you better believe I moved it before she could put her fat fanny on it and smear those words too..
Right at the edge of the loveseat foot you'll see a sqished up blanket over sorta in a hole- thats hers and thats where she should be sitting. it stays there all the time unless I am vacumming, I just keep it out of the lense:)
This is the view if you had just stepped in my front door. Lone deer on mantle- havent finished decorating that AND table to your left no decor either... I gotta get busy folks ..
I did get a few things on the living room sofa table but didnt get the candles lit or the bow made yet for the picture frame-- again, imperfection at its finest lol.. oh yea and the 2 bare spaces there on the sofa thats where the Sighdyst Norldjhgs Pillows were going ~ so much for that I reckon.
I came back to my desk to load the pictures for this post and looked up and saw all the way to the front door.. I really like that I can do that and I liked what I saw, so I took a picture for ya'll..
All that glassware I washed and dried is sitting on the end of the bar waiting patiently for me to decide what holiday love they are all gonna get OR if they are gonna get any.. I dunno yet. But they are clean and sorta sparkle in the light and maybe thats enough.. Those little trees at the family room entrance DO light up IF someone remembers to plug them it... Candles would have been nice in that lantern hanging there too, dontcha think? Wouldnt those dining chairs new cushions have looked lovely if I'd gotten the stripes stenciled on them sometime in the last 5 weeks? I bet they would have :)
So there you have it folks.. Dont you feel lots better now.. None of us is living in a constantly, perfectly decorated home and I hope you give yourself the gift of less stress- accepting that it doesnt always have be perfect, YOU and Your Home are OK just the way you are right this minute. Besides if ya'll wait till I get everything exactly right in here, you'll never be able to visit me and that would hurt me badly...
Holiday Hugs to ALL and God Bless Us, Every One~!
Often we come to our blogs and check out others posts and well, I admit it, makes me feel like I am not quite up to par on certain things. I need to remember I am looking at a photo they choose to post and just a few feet away , right out of the lense, is something that isnt picture perfect ..
In case you cant see it- I smudged my Merry Christmas stamp AND in an attempt to get the deer to stand up on its own like its supposed to and by golly outta considering what I paid for this junk that arrived, I broke its leg... now I have Hunk of junk with gorilla glue on it.. oh yeaaaaaaaa NOT lol..
and just in case ya missed it I have 1 headless reindeer on that stamp too.. I know folks are into antlers- but headless reindeer- I dont think sooooooooooo..
I think thats the gift I'll give myself this Christmas.. I dont have to be PERFECT, its ok and I dont need to Stress about it anymore.
I think I'll start not stressing- Today, just gonna call it an early gift to myself:)
I stenciled a couple of pillows and sat them on the family room love seats for the paint to dry. Then my neighbor called and asked if I could help her hang a picture and I went over there for about 15 mins.
When I got back, I saw that Buffy Marie had decided the new pillows were for her- well , at least one of them was.... What did say Silent Night, now says Slgityysh Nolgjhdg or thats what it looks anyway..
She has no idea why I might be taking a picture of her oh so innocent face... deep breathing relieves anger, did I remember to mention that? DEEP BREATH
While I had the camera out I thought I'd go on and show you a few imperfect areas..
In this photo , if you gaze left, you'll see how the pillow was supposed to look- I still have to embellish it but you better believe I moved it before she could put her fat fanny on it and smear those words too..
Right at the edge of the loveseat foot you'll see a sqished up blanket over sorta in a hole- thats hers and thats where she should be sitting. it stays there all the time unless I am vacumming, I just keep it out of the lense:)
This is the view if you had just stepped in my front door. Lone deer on mantle- havent finished decorating that AND table to your left no decor either... I gotta get busy folks ..
I did get a few things on the living room sofa table but didnt get the candles lit or the bow made yet for the picture frame-- again, imperfection at its finest lol.. oh yea and the 2 bare spaces there on the sofa thats where the Sighdyst Norldjhgs Pillows were going ~ so much for that I reckon.
I came back to my desk to load the pictures for this post and looked up and saw all the way to the front door.. I really like that I can do that and I liked what I saw, so I took a picture for ya'll..
All that glassware I washed and dried is sitting on the end of the bar waiting patiently for me to decide what holiday love they are all gonna get OR if they are gonna get any.. I dunno yet. But they are clean and sorta sparkle in the light and maybe thats enough.. Those little trees at the family room entrance DO light up IF someone remembers to plug them it... Candles would have been nice in that lantern hanging there too, dontcha think? Wouldnt those dining chairs new cushions have looked lovely if I'd gotten the stripes stenciled on them sometime in the last 5 weeks? I bet they would have :)
So there you have it folks.. Dont you feel lots better now.. None of us is living in a constantly, perfectly decorated home and I hope you give yourself the gift of less stress- accepting that it doesnt always have be perfect, YOU and Your Home are OK just the way you are right this minute. Besides if ya'll wait till I get everything exactly right in here, you'll never be able to visit me and that would hurt me badly...
Holiday Hugs to ALL and God Bless Us, Every One~!
Monday, December 12, 2011
SantaSonny has Snowmen
Hi There , Ya'll
I got a little bar scape done in my kitchen so I could participate with Marty at ~A Stroll Thru Life
It was soooooooo cold today in NC and we definatly needed some hot chocolate, heavy on the mini marsh mellows and a peppermint stick never hurts either,,it was soooooo good.
The cup cakes are called Hummingbird Cake. There are about 20 different recipes if you type that into google. If you like a fruity, spicy cake, this ones for You.
I was going through a few of the Christmas containers and found a little quilt I had bought off season- washed and put away in my snowman container. It was the perfect thing to sit all my goodies on.Not sure if you can see them well but those are black with white polka dot cupcake holders.. I love those. It makes even a bad cupcake taste good.. well ok- are there any bad cupcakes? my Hips say NOOOO..
I used a tiny tree in the kitchen with just a bow- a few berries from my holly bush and a red bow.
We love hot chocolate. I make it with real scalded milk and hersheys syrup. Then we just let the peppermint stick melt in it a little.. This almost makes the cold of winter worth it...
I sure wish ya'll could have been here with us, but no worries, we can have the cocoa ready in minutes if you decide to pop in for a visit. I keep a cake of some kind baked all season and usually some cookies too.
See that handsome fella holding the snow sign over his head.. He looks so happy about that idea, but I am not. I cant drive in snow and I have lots left to drive around and do.
I hope you enjoyed your visit. We are always tickled to have you here and look so forward to your visits.
Merry Christmas-- Stay Safe-- Come back often and God Bless Us, Every ONE~!
can ya tell I adore Tiny Tim? well, I do.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Holiday Kitchen Bar
Originally posted ~Dec. 9, 2010
Happy Holidays Folks... Revisiting at Sunday Favorites at Happy To Design
thanks Chari for letting us go down memory lane.
I want bore ya'll with text, especially when I know you have so many lovely vignettes to see at the party..
Happy Holidays and as always, Thank you so much for visiting me... I love having you here...
I have a music theme on my tree as you'll see in the photos after the cloche photos lol... So I decided to use the same ribbon...
My little carolers are standing close by guarding the cupcakes.. Somehow I dont think their large or mean enough to keep my hubby out of them.. They are double fudge with marshmellow centers... he has a weakness for those..
Merry Christmas and God Bless Us, Every One.~!
Happy Holidays Folks... Revisiting at Sunday Favorites at Happy To Design
thanks Chari for letting us go down memory lane.
I want bore ya'll with text, especially when I know you have so many lovely vignettes to see at the party..
Happy Holidays and as always, Thank you so much for visiting me... I love having you here...
I have a music theme on my tree as you'll see in the photos after the cloche photos lol... So I decided to use the same ribbon...
My little carolers are standing close by guarding the cupcakes.. Somehow I dont think their large or mean enough to keep my hubby out of them.. They are double fudge with marshmellow centers... he has a weakness for those..
Merry Christmas and God Bless Us, Every One.~!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Oh Sweet Christmas Tree of Mine
I have to admit to ya'll that I have a good reason for posting a little late. I stopped by several of my favorite blogs and the tears started to fall so hard I could barely comment to them, much less get right enough to make a post of my own..
These are happy tears so , all's well.. I want to tell you how very much you all mean to me. How much I am touched by your words, the ones in your posts and the ones in your comments to me. I cherish them and I hold them especially close on days when I'm not so sure of myself or I am feeling down..I must be OK, to have all you as pals, even when I'm not sure I am..
I live vicariously through many of you when you share your memories and those are such special times for me. You paint pictures with your words and like the annoying little kid in the neighborhood who's always tagging along, I'm there, just happy to be in your presence. You write of your parents, children, and friends and I share them through your stories and memories.
So thank you all so very very much for my blog family.. You mean more than I could ever tell you.
Christmas Tree Holiday Party at 2805
My tree is always tough to photograph because it HAS to be out here in the family room with us:) and there is stuff out here all year that cant be removed- like our desks and the tv and loveseats and sofa table and and and lol... We went RED this year with our favorite and state bird, the Cardinal.. They have a very special meaning for us and especially this year they just had to hold an honorable spot on our tree. like up at the tippy top and throughout.
I managed to find ribbon with poinsettas and birds.. I'm enjoying this look a lot as are all those who come to visit.
Thanks so much for visiting me and thank you to the hosts of all these wonderful parties we get to post on and share our homes and holiday creations.
Merry Christmas to All and God Bless Us , Every One...
These are happy tears so , all's well.. I want to tell you how very much you all mean to me. How much I am touched by your words, the ones in your posts and the ones in your comments to me. I cherish them and I hold them especially close on days when I'm not so sure of myself or I am feeling down..I must be OK, to have all you as pals, even when I'm not sure I am..
I live vicariously through many of you when you share your memories and those are such special times for me. You paint pictures with your words and like the annoying little kid in the neighborhood who's always tagging along, I'm there, just happy to be in your presence. You write of your parents, children, and friends and I share them through your stories and memories.
So thank you all so very very much for my blog family.. You mean more than I could ever tell you.
Christmas Tree Holiday Party at 2805
My tree is always tough to photograph because it HAS to be out here in the family room with us:) and there is stuff out here all year that cant be removed- like our desks and the tv and loveseats and sofa table and and and lol... We went RED this year with our favorite and state bird, the Cardinal.. They have a very special meaning for us and especially this year they just had to hold an honorable spot on our tree. like up at the tippy top and throughout.
I managed to find ribbon with poinsettas and birds.. I'm enjoying this look a lot as are all those who come to visit.
Cardinals , twigs, sticks, and bird feed clusters are tucked in all over the tree.. Our patio door is just to the right and it looks much the same outside .
Merry Christmas to All and God Bless Us , Every One...
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Holiday Dining Birthday Table
I made it home just in time to set the table for my daughters birthday.
Baked her favorite cake at 5:32 this morning. Am I a good Mama or what :)
I'm also joining Susan ~ Between Naps on the Porch
Noel is out to dinner with some of her pals but I have fresh apple cake , hot chocolate and soda for when they all come back here.
She likes green so thats the color I used for the glaze..
How does the time fly by so quickly. It seems just a short time ago she was tiny. Now she's an executive for the company that makes my favorite soft drink:)
This has been a miracle year for her since July and I am so thankful for that , as is she.
My neighbor let me have some fresh greens off his cedar trees. Those folks are the ones I decorated the tree for. Its a blessing to have so many good folks living right around me.
I know I keep promising to show you my new table and chairs:) Here you get a little sneak peek at them.
One of these days I'll get it all completed and post the room .. Really I will..
I finally figured out how I want to decorate my dining and bar light , just havent gotten to that yet..I am so slow and there always seems to be so much to do.
The water is Hot in the Pot, so have a seat an make yourself a cup of hot chocolate. The girls will be here soon and ya'll can sing Happy Birthday with us and then-- we cut the CAKE~! wooohoooo
Thanks so much for sharing this special time with me and letting me share it with you.
Merry Christmas and God Bless US, every one...
Baked her favorite cake at 5:32 this morning. Am I a good Mama or what :)
I'm joining Sherry's Party at No Minimalist Here
Noel is out to dinner with some of her pals but I have fresh apple cake , hot chocolate and soda for when they all come back here.
She likes green so thats the color I used for the glaze..
How does the time fly by so quickly. It seems just a short time ago she was tiny. Now she's an executive for the company that makes my favorite soft drink:)
This has been a miracle year for her since July and I am so thankful for that , as is she.
My neighbor let me have some fresh greens off his cedar trees. Those folks are the ones I decorated the tree for. Its a blessing to have so many good folks living right around me.
I know I keep promising to show you my new table and chairs:) Here you get a little sneak peek at them.
One of these days I'll get it all completed and post the room .. Really I will..
I finally figured out how I want to decorate my dining and bar light , just havent gotten to that yet..I am so slow and there always seems to be so much to do.
The water is Hot in the Pot, so have a seat an make yourself a cup of hot chocolate. The girls will be here soon and ya'll can sing Happy Birthday with us and then-- we cut the CAKE~! wooohoooo
Thanks so much for sharing this special time with me and letting me share it with you.
Merry Christmas and God Bless US, every one...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Christmas Cup ~I'm a Copy Cat
A couple years ago I was at one of my favorite bloggers site, Polly -Make Mine Beautiful blog. I admire her style and creativity more than I can say. Of course you'll see that in a moment because I copied Her.. In her post she wrote of having seen a similar item in a magazine but I cant remember which one and I'm not sure she told but it stuck in her mind and so she made her version of it and now I made my Holiday version of hers.
Did ya get all that?? lol I havent seen her post for awhile and the last I heard she was busy moving. I sure wish she was here so I could thank her so much for Always being such a creative inspiration and most especially this time.. This is my version of a decorated cup. The fork holding the card..
Here is the one Polly made for her fall table a couple years ago, I loved it and have hoped to give it a try and now I have.
I hope I have done Polly proud and I want to thank her one more time..
Thanks so much for coming to visit and see my holiday copy cat..
Many thanks to deb for having this party so we could show off our creations.
Here's the link to Deb's party.. Please go visit her and see all the beautiful holiday posts folks have done. You'll love them for sure..
Deb's Holiday Copy Cat Party
Go visit Marty to see some amazing decor.~! please:)
Marty's Tabletop Tuesday
Please go visit this new party.. Patti at Ivy and Elephants
Did ya get all that?? lol I havent seen her post for awhile and the last I heard she was busy moving. I sure wish she was here so I could thank her so much for Always being such a creative inspiration and most especially this time.. This is my version of a decorated cup. The fork holding the card..
Here is the one Polly made for her fall table a couple years ago, I loved it and have hoped to give it a try and now I have.
I hope I have done Polly proud and I want to thank her one more time..
Thanks so much for coming to visit and see my holiday copy cat..
Many thanks to deb for having this party so we could show off our creations.
Here's the link to Deb's party.. Please go visit her and see all the beautiful holiday posts folks have done. You'll love them for sure..
Deb's Holiday Copy Cat Party
Go visit Marty to see some amazing decor.~! please:)
Marty's Tabletop Tuesday
Please go visit this new party.. Patti at Ivy and Elephants
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