Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Santa was good to Me

I meant to get back here on the 25th, but things got busy here..
It was Christmas and my Birthday  and I got a lot of great surprises.
I must have been a very good girl:)

Marty says~~Anything Goes --here's her party Link....
Anything Goes Party with Marty

Here's what Santa brought me..Can ya'll just imagine how many Craigslist items i can get in this , giggle..
A wonderful bloggy pal, Laurie , sent me the most adorable little snowmen.. I will cherish them forever..
thank you so much Laurie.. Your kindness and generousity mean more than I can tell you.  I added them to a latern I found and painted and it made the perfect centerpiece for our Christmas breakfast table...

My pom girls got new collars but they wont all sit still for me to get a photo.. They also got specially made Christmas tree doggie cookies..
   Santa also got me new Christmas plates from homegoods.. wooohooooo
I guess I dont have to tell ya'll what a wonderful holiday I had...
 We set a very simple table this year and enjoyed every moment of it....
I hope everyone had a great holiday.... Now its pack up and clean time..
Thanks so much for coming to visit me..
 Hugs and Blessings

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve , Eve Folks

The packages are wrapped. Food is cooking and cakes are baked.. My 4 pom girls went to the groomer so they are all clean and pretty for when Santa comes and brings their gifts.. they've been very good girls this year..
 I have to whisper this part:: they are each getting new collars this year:: :)
 I'll take pictures Christmas morning-- if they'll be still long enough and show each girl and what color collar she got and tell why..   and of course Christmas is a very Special Day- but I'll tell ya that on the 25th too..
 I wanted to take this opportunity to thank each of you for visiting me and leaving such kind and encouraging comments..  For sharing all the tips and techniques you freely share. For being here through the good the bad the beautiful and the not so beautiful....  For just plain being great FOLKS that I am proud and honored to share Blogland with...
  I care for all of you and wish you a stressless holiday eve..

see ya on the 25th...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Corner Cabinet in her Spot

I made it ~!!  I know I'm late but I've said for 5 weeks I was going to participate with Kim at her
Boring to Better Party-- click HERE to go see~!   Thanks Kim for Hosting this party for us...

  I bought a cabinet for the final price of 45.00.. Why do I say final- because they started at 75.00 , then before I could get there to pic it up, they called and said someone had offered them 90.00 and they accpeted and sold it to Them--grrrrrr.. Those people never arrived to pay or pic it up. So 3 days later they call Me and say you can have it for the 75.00 we are moving today.. So I said I'd be there in 30 mins.. I arrived- it was in even worse shape that the photo indicates - I mean REALLY ROUGH  lol..  I offered them 45.00, they accepted and I brought her home..  The sanding , priming and painting began..   1st- an unwanted, unexpected and I DIDNT DO IT, crackle finish.... :: please visualize a wide eyed- tearing up- slighly blue from anger Sonny here::.. I would have fainted but reason took over and I remembered I was standing on the hard concrete garage floor..

  I took 2 days to get past it and I started again with the sanding.. Then 2 coats of primer- dried in a 80 degree garage for 2 days and then by gosh by golly I was gonna paint it and I did and when I went back 3 hours later-- yep you guessed it-- CRACKLE FINISH no. 2...  I wont tell ya'll what I said, but suffice it to say the
 Navy called and asked if I'd be interested in joining..Know what I mean:)

  Big tears this time and visions of this corner cabinet which I have long needed and wanted in my tiny breakfast area being Never There and being taken to the back storage building to hold Junk....

A week passed and I kept hearing my GrandPa's voice saying : "You havent FAILED until you QUIT and a quitter never accomplishes anything"

 I went back to Lowes and they didnt know what was wrong but they did offer me a quart of Binz primer for free--just in case something was wrong with the gallon I had purchased..    Then a man , waiting for his paint to be mixed says-- you need 123 sealer & primer for this job..  He took a few minutes to explain why and I said thanks and asked for that instead of the Binz and  home to begin...  sanding sanding  wiping down- you know the routine:)   then the primer -- next morning 2 coats of paint and Finally she was done.. There are still 3 or 4 small areas about the size of a 50 cent piece that crackled but I am calling her done anyway..

 I bet you thought I was never gonna get through yapping , didnt ya .. lol..

  I still havent decorated in here for Christmas but I wanted to show it anyway...  I'm tickled to have this piece.. She holds alot more STUFF than I thought she would and we are both happy .. I hope you like her too..
 This was after.. I had painted the wooden handles in the same soft black as the cabinet .. I added wallpaper to the insides and thought I was done.. But you know how it is , after a week I decided it needed Something..

 Of course that Something was knobs from Hobby Lobby.. 2.97 each - which I feel is a serious bargain compared to very plain ones at lowes for 4.00..

aww yea babe, now its Better:)
  Anything in the room is tough to get a good picture of for some reason.  Everyone who's been here to visit comments on how pretty she looks and what a wonderful addition it was to this small area..
Maybe by next week I can have her Christmas decor in and on her and she'll be even better than now..
  Thanks so much for coming to visit me ..
Happy Holidays to you and yours..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas in RED

   I'm so glad ya'll stopped in the see me..

I just had to participate in this great party..  I'm showing off my home done in traditional tones this time .

Share The Decor party
Thank you Sherry for hosting this wonderful party for us..

Christmas Home Tour
 Thank you Gina for hosting this party.

 I'm one of those seriously annoying people who got all her holiday shopping done by the end of september..
  Now dont start throwing things lol...  Shopping makes me so nervous and I'm always worried I wont get all the things I wanted..
 The photos speak for themselves so I'll save ya'll my usual chatter ...

 I love Miss Bunny all dressed up in her tartan plaid.. 
  I think I've had that little rocking horse about 20 years and I still love him..
  Just to keep it real-- we do cook here on dream lane , which means the kitchen has pots and food out on it instead of only decorations like I usually show in my scapes...
  Thanks again for stopping in to visit me.. I love having you here...
I cant wait to go and see all the other holiday decor that will be posted at the party...
Holiday Hugs to all...Stay warm and safe folks~!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cloche To the Wine at the Holidays

I got home just in time to put a vignette together so I could participate in Marty's Cloche party...
you'll find lots of beautiful cloche posts here>>Cloche Party ~ come See ~!!

I want bore ya'll with text, especially when I know you have so many lovely vignettes to see at the party..

Happy Holidays and as always, Thank you so much for visiting me... I love having you here...
 I have a music theme on my tree as you'll see in the photos after the cloche photos lol... So I decided to use the same ribbon...
My little carolers are standing close by guarding the cupcakes..  Somehow I dont think their large or mean enough to keep my hubby out of them.. They are double fudge with marshmellow centers... he has a weakness for those..
I hope you dont mind if I add some of my family room photos here.. I'm not sure how many times I have a chance to post in the coming weeks and I still have several rooms to show you...

I made almost all my ornaments myself so this tree took me awhile..

Thank you so much for taking time of of your day to come and visit me and allow me to share my home and holiday decor with you.. I know we're all busy and you being here means so much to me..
Happy Holidays and Hugs to All...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Apple Green Holiday Dining ~ Revisited

Apple Green Holiday Dining~2009

~Christmas Dining 2009~
Sharing last years holiday dining decor at Chari's Sunday favorites party..
Sunday Favorites @Happy To design
During the season we have several small groups here to enjoy the season with us and I like for them to have a pleasant visual while they enjoy their meals.
  Next week I'll be moving on to my blue holiday table but for now I am enjoying our green and I hope you do to. Thank you all so much for visiting and sharing the joy of our season with us through photos. I'll hush now and just post the eye candy, which I have read is what most folks come to see..  
 Happiest of Holidays-- Brightest of Blessings and  God Bless Us, Everyone...
Tablescape 2 starts here..


May all your holiday wishes come true My Dear Friends. 
~Sonny ~

Monday, November 29, 2010

Family Room Music Table in Chocolate

 Hi there Folks..
I hope everyone has recovered from their Turkey Day meal.. I am slowing coming back to life after being stuffed for days..:)

 I'm partying with Marty ~ dont miss all the wonderous posts at this party...
Marty's Tabletop Party

I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago my plan to have a Music themed Christmas and thats made it a bit slow going as so much has had to be made.. Not only did I choose music but I also choose not to use tradition colors.. We are running the gamet from vanilla creme to dark chocolate brown and we are Loving it.. My daughter is especially happy since these are her favorite colors.
  I still have so much to do for the tree and the fireplace mantle but I am calling this table done...
  I had the violins on music paper  printed at walmart.. As soon as I got them I wished I'd had them done in 5x7 size but - too late.. Plus these little photos in frames are all over the tree and larger would have been too heavy for the branches...
I started out with plates and filled glass jars and after looking at it for a day I decided it was TOO MUCH and moved some things to other places in the room..
 I love my faux window but Dang it ~ its tough to take a good photo in the area..
.  I used the pinecones Maryanne sent me last year in several areas...
I've had these music ornaments for many years and I always enjoy seeing them when I bring my containers out of storage .. Isn't it fun every year to open your boxes and see the holiday items you've cherished.. For me its almost like visiting with old friends.
 Thanks so much for coming to visit me.. I appreciate it very much and your comments mean a lot to me.
I'll be having tea and cookies on thursday so stop back in and we'll have a great time...
 Happy Holidays Hugs to All  ~!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Maine Buffet" Christmas 2009 ~ revisited

This was the buffet Holiday decor for 2009
I bought this 1943 buffet last year from a lovely couple on Craigslist that were downsizing and moving to a florida condo. They had a large home in NC with many cherished furnishings that simple wouldnt fit in their new and rather modern condo.. As I always do, I promised the item they sold me would be cherished and well cared for in my home. I think it made them happy to know someone who would love it, had gotten it and I do..
I'm participating with Chari at Happy To Design~Sunday Favorites
Thank you so much Chari for giving us a place show off our prior posts..

 A couple of weeks ago I was talking on the forum about how much I loved to mix natural materials with the faux holiday stuff I have but that pine cones were getting more and more difficult to find.. About an hour later I got a pm from a real sweetie that lived in Maine offering to go out and gather some things for me and send them. I excitedly and gratefully accepted. Her name is Maryanne and she is my forever Pine Cone Angel..  A very large box arrived and I was amazed to see all she had carefully gathered- packed so well and sent to me. Pine cones- moss and pine branches from Maine.. I tried but truly there are no words to express my thanks to her. I will carefully pack these cones just as she sent them and every year when I use them during the holidays I will think of her, her kindness and generousity and the Christmas Spirit that lives in her soul every day of the year.. Thank you again MaryAnne, this display is dedicated to you...

 I wish I'd had a deer or pheasant to add to this display but my snow bunny worked for this year.
My sincere thanks again to MaryAnne and to a big thank you to all who come to see this display.

Merry Christmas to You and Yours from all the Gianetti's

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Table on Dream Lane

 I have the table almost set..
Luckily my husband and his sister are doing the cooking which gave me time to play.. I made my napkins since I didnt have any fall tones in my stash..

I'm participating in Marty's Party at ~
A Stroll Thru Life

 Susans party at Between Naps on the Porch
Susan's Party BNOTP
Please go visit these blog and see all the beautiful and inspirational posts folks have added.. I know they'd love for you to visit them too...

The Autumn Monarch plates by Johnson bros, came from homegoods.. We dont have meals at the table too often so just adding salad plates to my regular dishes gives a feeling of the season or occasion.
 I wish you All the Happiest of Thanksgivings and a wonderful holiday season full of peace , joy and Love.
Our Thanksgiving tradition is to let each person at the table have a moment to tell what they are grateful for..
Its wonderful to hear what they say but I have to admit it was more fun when the kids were little as what they'd say was so cute. Kids are like that, point blank-- whatever enters their mind at the moment...

I did have different table cloths but this crocheted table cover reminds me of my grandmothers table.. I miss you Nana, so please be close by in spirit with us...
 We dont have the fanciest table but it'll be a happy place and we'll all be grateful to be together.. Time seems to be going by so quickly and I want to hold these special moments as long as I possibly can.

you may have noticed my Jute Fruit:) I found a bag of fruit at goodwill with bumps and scratched and gouged out places that someone had turned in.. Even at the dollar store each piece is 1.00.. This bag had 11 pieces for 2.00 so I scooped up that bargain.. I had planned to paint them but then the idea of wrapping them in jute twine hit ~~ so I did:)  I have 9 more pieces to get done .. Thats what I'll be doing while we sit and watch the Macy's Day Parade..

 Happy Thanksgiving ~!!! and thanks for coming to visit me...

Monday, November 22, 2010

No BALLS for Sonny~sniff, sad~ lol

I searched High~ Low~ and sideways as my Grandma used to say and Nope- nada- No BALLS to go with the tree I wanted to accomplish for this year...

 :::  thanks to Susan for Hosting the Meta Monday Party for us::::
go see all the wonderful things that have been posted this week.. I know you'll be inspired and amazed.

  Not living next door to Macy's and even if I did I couldnt work their ornaments into my bargain budget.. There was nothing else to do but make my own using what I had on hand...
 yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. I love them...~!!  just what I wanted and needed....
  I went to the dollar store and at the very back of the aisle they had a box of last years balls priced at 2--5 in each pack- plain sorta yucky balls--- for $1.00... that made them 10 cents each...  OK , I can handle that price ....
 Stained sweater I saved for I didnt know what... Buttons from my jar of saved buttons and 2 rolls for 1.00 ribbon and Viola...I figure 10 perfect balls to suit me for about 3.00 was a good deal...
   I needed balls that had texture- were the right colors- and added some lightness to my tree..
Sonny is a happy Girl... :)

  We're having company for Thanksgiving and then we're traveling to a few places around the state to see Christmas Displays... I needed my tree up Now so it would already be done by the time I got back home..
    Happy Holidays to All
More Christmas next week if I don't overdose on Pumpkin Pie...... giggle
   Thanks so much for stopping in to take a peek at what I've been doing....
Please come back again , anytime.. I love havin Ya'll visit...