Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mother Nature's Transformation

I've painted a lot of furniture.  Done hundreds of mock ups for myself- other and even businesses.  Changed rooms from what they once were to unrecognizable till I told folks what I did ~ BUT~ no matter how much talent GOD graced me with , I have never been able to make transformations of such beauty as the ones Mother Nature has made around my back patio.. 
 I am so grateful for good weather and not to have been hit by the ugly storms we have had roar through NC..
 Many folks will be years getting back to normal, both in their homes and yards.. Looking at that damage breaks my heart.. Then I walk outside and see what nature is capable of in a very short period of time and I know everything will be ok- in Time..

 Here come the before's and the afters of Mother Nature's miraculous transformation.. I sure thank her for it..
things were just getting started and I'd had to cut the middle crepe myrtle down to the ground becuase it was transplanted from another area in the yard...

and then, the transformation began and she grew and grew and GREW:)
The ferns were a nice size when I got them . The geraniums came from a lady on the corner selling them out of her trunk to the local hardware store and I nabbed a few and put them in this planter..

Soon, they had to be moved so I bought a kiddie pool and spray painted it .  They are still growing and blooming and spreading out...

The ferns are getting huge~!

 I told the story of these bradford pears before but in case ya missed it..These were cut down 3 years ago and the stumps were ground below the surface and sprayed with weed killed...
The next year I saw little sprouts in the mulch and knew what it was.. My gosh, if they had that much will to live- they were staying..
they moved sorta slow through spring as you can see..

and then:)
I look at all this and it reminds me to NEVER give up.. Strive to Survive... Reach for the sky.. They all did and look how great it turned out...
  I'm joining Susan for her Meta Party... Please go take a peek at all the folks who have posted
Meta Monday with Susan..

Thanks for coming to see me.. I really appreciate it... Your visits mean more than I can say..


  1. Everything looks so lush!
    Dropping by from Met Monday.


  2. Oh how beautiful. You are right, there is nothing like the beauty of Mother Nature. Thanks so much for sharing your loveliness. Karie

  3. Lovely ferns -- and those trees deserve to live. I did the same thing with a redbud -- and no matter what I did -- it continued to try to grow -- I, too, felt it deserved to live!

  4. Hi Sonny!
    I think you have a major green thumb!
    What a beautiful garden!
    It is so much fun to watch nature take over in the summer months when you are actually outside and aware that things are growing right in front of you!
    such a pretty post.

  5. Hi sweet Sonny Girl .....

    Well, isn't our God amazing ...... Everything looks so beeeeeeutiful. I'd LOVE to have yummy ferns like yours.... But they'd freeze's 57 degrees.

    Huggies.... N- lovies,

  6. My poor little thumb is not even a pale green. You give mother nature a lot of credit but I see a bit of Sonny at work there also. How I envy your skill. Lovely.

  7. That's amazing, Sonny, how those things just took off. Sometimes I think it's because we don't expect anything from them, or when I ignore things, they do better than if I babied them. I had to cut down a favorite rose quite hard and thinking it would never come back. It now has fresh new shoots and while not the blooms it produced two years ago, it is renewed.

  8. Your yard looks fabulous, I love the pool idea. Now, I don't know if you know a lot about gardening... but you can take cuttings of your geraniums and make new plants by simply cutting off a branch, pulling off the bottom leaves and just placing them in the ground. Its that easy. Also, the garlic society plant... you can divide that to make new "plants" too. Just pull apart little bits of the plant and replant small bunches. Easy peasy! (those two are my favorite plants to have in my yard!)

  9. Your ferns look so healthy! I might try growing them too as they look so pretty in hanging baskets.

    Happy gardening and happy weekend!

    Best wishes,


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Hugs and Smiles